Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kaleidoscope Names

Kaleidoscope Names

I have to admit I found this lesson on another  blog and I can not remember which one.
I had the student write their name on a triangle piece of paper than trace in permanent black marker both sides of the triangle. Than the rotate their name around the square paper. This part takes explaining and showing them on the emilo. I use copy paper for this that way it is easy for the students to trace their name. This takes about two art classes.

Aurora Borealis

This art lesson connected what the homeroom teacher was teaching them. The students had just done a month long project about the Iditarod and Alaska. Using blue and purple construction paper and pastels they created the sky. I gave a demonstration on blending the pastels. Than after a lesson about silhouettes they used black construction paper to make hills, snow drifts, trees, animals. The results was really beautiful and each students looked very unique. The lesson took two days.